Chuck: gli attori parlano della serie, del finale e del film

Dopo anni dalla chiusura della nostra serie preferita esce questa bellissima intervista tutta Chuck-related ad alcuni membri del cast. TvAddict ha infatti incontrato Ryan McPartlin, Joshua Gomez, Vik Sahay, Scott Krinsky e Mekenna Melvin per parlare di Chuck, del finale della quinta stagione e dell'eventuale film di cui si parla da tempo. L'intervista ripercorre i momenti più divertenti e le battute migliori di ogni personaggio, rivelando alcuni annedoti interessanti. Vi riportiamo i passi più salienti.

Sul finale:

Vik Sahay: I loved it.  I loved that they meet again and there is a mystery, a vague sense of something that has happened before. In life, when we meet a soul mate for the “first” time, it feels like that anyway, that we have shared a whole lifetime with them before, and it’s like THERE you are! I’ve been looking all over space and time for you! They have to trust that mystery.

Joshua Gomez: I was a little surprised by the ending when I read the finale, but I’m not opposed to stories that end a bit ambiguously and leave things to the imagination. Maybe the kiss on the beach triggered an intersect-like flash of all her memories with Chuck. If not, at worst, she gets to experience the joy of falling in love all over again. To have a second “first kiss” is something we’ve all wished for at some point, no?

Mekenna Melvin: I thought it ended beautifully!  I remember closing it and having a really emotional moment because A. the show was ending and B. because everybody’s character really got a beautiful bow at the end.  That was the whole thing, that Chuck is going to love Sarah forever and he is going to sacrifice everything for her.  I thought the finale was perfect I loved it.

Scott Krinsky: I love the way the show ended.  I think mainly the finale was well received; I really loved how the show concluded.  I’m happy that we knew when the show was going to end and were able to give the fans a proper ending.

Ryan McPartlin: Personally, I loved it the way the show ended.  Watching Chuck and Sarah fall in love all over again was very poetic and possibly left a door cracked for future storytelling.

Sul film:

Vik Sahay: I would believe anything of CHUCK fans. I would want Lester to end being the villain of whatever the new world order of CHUCK would be.  It would have to be a script that really took the mythology of the series and the characters to a whole other level.

Joshua Gomez: Our fans are amazing. If there’s any one factor that could tip the scales, it would be our fans! They are the reason we got to make 5 seasons.

Mekenna Melvin: Everyone always talks about it, I have no idea but what I do know is if there ever was a CHUCK movie I would be so excited and so on board.  I’d like to see a lot of big action scenes; it’d be really exciting to see where all of the characters have been.  I feel like there are so many different ways it could go!

Scott Krinsky: Yeah, I think anything’s possible, there’s talk about that but I kind of just read and hear what everyone else hears.  Ultimately it’s up to the studio and Warner Brothers. I’d be all for it though, I think it would be great a lot of fun to get everyone together.  Something would obviously have to bring us all together, some big spy story that’s going to somehow lead us all to each other.  What would the condition of Jeffster be being they’re touring (Laughs) what would we look like?   It would be fun to kind of revisit the characters a little down the road and see what they look like and how they’ve held up

Ryan McPartlin: It’s pretty difficult to go viral these days because there is a lot of content out there but our fans pretty much invented the renewal campaign with their Subway strategy so I don’t see why not. However, it’ll probably have to be a new approach that nobody has done before to grab the media’s attention. My bet is that one of our CHUCK fans can figure it out. I’d love for Morgan, Ellie and Devon to have opened a Chicago brewery called “Awesome City Brew” and of course, Devon has really packed on the pounds. This is why we leave the writing to Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak.

Il cast si dice dunque  possibilista sulla realizzazione del film ed ognuno di loro dichiara di voler prendere parte al progetto qualora si concretizzasse. Purtroppo nessuno sembra aver in mano più informazioni di quanto ne abbiamo noi fan ma il tono generale sembra positivo. Scott Krinsky fa notare come la decisione finale spetti agli studios e Ryan McPartlin suggerisce una strategia alternativa alle solite campagne per richiamare l'attenzione dei media. 
Vale la pena di leggere il resto dell'intervista perché è molto ben fatta e ci ha fatto venir voglia di riguardare tutta la serie!

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