Il grande Timothy Dalton aka Alexei Volkoff o, se preferite, Gregory Tuttle o ancora Hartley Winterbottom, ha rilasciato una bella intervista sui ruoli che hanno fatto la sua carriera, tra i quali non poteva mancare quello (o più esattamente quelli) che ha interpretato in Chuck. Dalton è solo una delle tante prestigiose guest star che hanno recitato nella serie (ricordiamo tra le più importanti Stephen Bakula, Linda Hamilton, Chevy Chase, Mark Hamill e Carrie-Anne Moss), ma anche una delle più memorabili.
Lo vediamo apparire per la prima volta nel settimo episodio della quarta stagione Chuck vs the First Fight. (Spoiler alert!) Ricordate? Chuck dapprima lo crede un agente del MI6, conoscendolo sotto l'alias di Gregory Tuttle. Alla fine della puntata l'innocuo Tuttle si rivelerà essere il temibile e stravagante Alexei Volkoff. In Chuck vs the Agent X vi è un ulteriore colpo di scena: scopriamo che la vera identità di Volkoff è quella di Hartley Winterbottom, un agente dell'MI6, nonchè primo Intersect umano. Una trama piuttosto intricata per un personaggio tra i più riusciti e simpatici (anche nell'incarnazione "cattiva", che poi così cattiva non era) della quarta stagione.
Nell'intervista, Dalton parla in termini entusiastici della sua esperienza sul set di Chuck, ricordando i ritmi forsennati ma anche la grande armonia e creatività che regnava sul set. Ma lasciamo parlare direttamente l'attore:
Chuck (2010-2011)—“Alexei Volkoff” / “Hartley Winterbottom” / “Gregory Tuttle”
TD: I’m thrilled to talk about that. I had such a good time. I had no idea, really, what to expect, because although I’d done Charlie’s Angels, it was the first time in a long time where I’d had to do an hour—which by then was more like 40 minutes—in about seven days or eight days, generally seven. If you left 4 a.m. on a Friday, then we’d probably finish in seven days. [Laughs.]
Oh, but they were great. It was so funny, so alive. I mean, they were under such pressure, and so adrenalized. You’d go in the writers’ room, with its pizzas all over the place and all the cups of coffee, and the walls would have scribbled ideas on whiteboards and blackboards, and you’d bang around ideas and thoughts, and you’d have to learn stuff immediately. Immediately!
Zach [Levi] was great, and Yvonne [Strahovski]. They were fabulous to work with. I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a crew who could work so fast and so well and without any kind of sweat, with lots of pressure but no tension, if you understand the distinction. It was just a delight to do that. And I was given some space, which I loved, because I could take it on in a certain way. And people seemed to enjoy it, and I enjoyed it, and there we are! I was exhausted, but I was thrilled.
AVC: It seems like a show where the cast and crew would be geeking out at your mere presence.
TD: Oh, don’t be silly. I wouldn’t say so. I mean, you’re not telling me that others have said so, are you?
AVC: I am not.
TD: I would hate that, in a way, because… well, we’ve all got to join in together when we work, haven’t we? [Read the full interview here]
Sempre mitico Timothy!