Nuova intervista a Zac sulla sua carriera, il film su Chuck e altro

Viva Glam Magazine ha intervistato Zachary Levi per parlare dei suoi progetti attuali (First Date, Thor: The Dark World) e quelli passati (Chuck, Tangled). Una domanda sul film su Chuck non poteva mancare:

4) Considering the fans created a campaign to keep Chuck on the air, do you think the fans would provide the same momentum and financial support to create a movie, just like with Veronica Mars?
[Just for the record], I said I wanted to make a film WELL before the Kickstarter of Veronica Mars. It just happened to resurface at that time because people kept calling me. I’d love to make a Chuck movie, but all the stars have to align. I’m not going to Kickstart[er] it. I’m stoked for Kristen [Bell] and what they’ve been able to accomplish with Veronica Mars. That’s a different type of animal. They’ve also been off the air for a long time. Our show is still airing currently in some territories around the world. I can’t make a Chuck movie right now. I’d spoil it for all of them. I think we have to let it finish airing around the world, let it settle, let them finish up their DVD sets, and then go, “Here we go!” I definitely want to do something, not Kickstarter, but certainly [something] involving the fans in creating it or pre-buying it. I believe in people’s voices being heard and letting the people determine what entertainment they want to watch. But it’s a matter of working hand-in-hand with Warner Brothers because they own it. I’m just the dude who was lucky enough to play him. I don’t have any stake in it whatsoever. I just want to convince them to let me do it.

Come potete vedere, Zac è sempre deciso a realizzare il progetto ma per ora non c'è nulla di nuovo rispetto a quanto detto al Comic-Con di San Diego quest'estate. Zac non intende più realizzare il film tramite una campagna su Kickstarter ma di certo intende fare qualcosa che coinvolga nel processo i fan. La parte più ardua è quella di convincere quelli della Warner Bros a lasciargli portare avanti il progetto perché sono loro che ne detengono i diritti. 
In un altro passo dell'intervista gli viene chiesto chi è il personaggio interpretato durante la sua carriera a cui si sente più vicino e la risposta non può che farci piacere:

5) Which of your many awesome roles do you feel you relate to the most?
I guess, Chuck, probably. I don’t know. Chuck would be the closest. I’ve still not played the role that is me, necessarily. But, I think every actor essentially plays different versions of themselves. Some people play the same version of themselves every time and they’re great at it and keep going. More than anything, you’re trying to bring something to life in a very realistic way. So if Actor X is great at doing that one thing that they do, rock and roll, do it!
I don’t know, I haven’t played me yet, necessarily, but Chuck would be the closest.
Potete leggere tutta l'intervista qui.


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